Monday, April 19, 2010

I've been guilty of not posting anything on my blog for close to a year...which is ghastly considering that its been a year filled with signicant moments : I bought my first car, fell in love and travelled abroad. I even managed to get married in the end.

While it gnaws my soul to no end that I failed to chronicle anything, I can only offer one feeble excuse: Work. Work that began by gently lapping against my toes before suddenly grabbing me by the calves and dragging me as I kicked and screamed my way into its murky depths.

Its taken the better part of a year for me to come to terms with a demanding role. I found it hard to write anything without this sinking feeling that I was wasting my time while something more important in the office needed my attention. I hated that my work took up so much of my time but I also got used to working on an endless adrenaline rush. Sitting down and writing something of significance didnt give me a high. Besides I was neck deep in an office romance :-). I had a lot on my mind.

Now that I'm hitched and also wiser at work, I'd like to think that my blog will see regular entries again. Wish me luck, there's a lot to catch up on.


mysterious_malady said...

Congrats !

Jaya said...

Glad you've found your way out :). And yes, do write more often.

n!ved!t@ said...


And hopefully we'll get to read you more often now. :)

Kausikram Krishnasayee said...

DD sorry missed the wedding. been in neck deep work myself :(. heard from dad that the wedding went of great. Congrats and have a super great time.

Unknown said...

Hi, congrats. wishing you and your wife a great life together, filled with happiness, joy laughter and success.

so are you doing what the stranger at IMT thought you - giving 90% of what you earn to your wife??


Anonymous said...

finalyyyy! been waiting. :)