Thats Aparna and Niranjana, the lovely ladies who reside in the neighbouring flat(Click on the picture to get a bigger image). Due to some pretty heavy rains in Chennai, schools have been closed and the two of them have been running around.Yours truly has also been unable to go to work :P.
I suppose there are few things better in the world than getting up in the morning and hearing that school has been cancelled :-).
Seeing them, I simply had to take a snap. I'm really not one of those people who gush over kids but this time I had to make an exception.
Later, coaxed by her mother Aparna recited The story of the 5 fingers. She strode into my room, fixed a stern eye on me and bade me to listen. Once she was sure she had my attention, she assumed a wooden expression and recited the entire story in a single breath. Her eyes glazed over towards the end and just as I was getting worried she finished the story and ran out of the room.